September 25, 2024

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January 19, 2024

NEW: added border to top of page scroll wrapper

NEW: GitHub added to homepage social links

NEW: added 'Beacon' to 'Notable Work' list

UPDATED: changed 'Past Work' label to 'Notable Work' on homepage for improved specificity

UPDATED: left aligned navigation

UPDATED: navigation wrapper is now semi-transparent material with blur

UPDATED: lowered border opacities from 0.15 to 0.10

UPDATED: site version number in top left is now synced with most recent changelog CMS version

January 18, 2024

NEW: added page scroll translate function to homepage about content card

UPDATED: changed formatting of writing page list items and container

January 17, 2024

NEW: writing page added

NEW: four archived writings added to writing CMS

NEW: site navigation added

NEW: link added to social links on homepage

UPDATED: screen area in footer recalculates on screen resize

UPDATED: added padding to homepage bio

UPDATED: changed copy in homepage bio

UPDATED: moved page area script to global HTML head

FIXED: adjusted alignment of homepage work history and social link items

KNOWN ISSUE: contact button is still broken

January 16, 2024

NEW: About section on homepage

NEW: Added DM Mono typeface

UPDATED: Window area calculation in bottom right

January 15, 2024

UPDATE: new is live

NEW: Changelog initialized

KNOWN ISSUES: Contact link does not work


The paralysis of taste

Published on
September 19, 2023

In art there's this thing called Blank Canvas Paralysis, or when you're unable to start work on your art because you are overwhelmed with the pressure of what should the first mark be? What if I mess up immediately? It sounds silly, but it is surprisingly common and frequent in both new and experienced artists.

While in art, this usually pertains to creating something good, I think variations of this phenomenon apply to any creative work. As a designer, I think I experience this most when it comes to taking action. I am an extremely online person, spending most of my day exploring new tools, visiting novel websites, and immersing myself in the media of The Internet. As you spend time in a medium, you develop a taste for it. With this taste comes expectations of quality and with that standards.

This taste puts you in a place of paralysis when the expectation of what something should be is inconsistent with your execution.

There's a reason the motif of artists is balls of crumpled paper being strewn about: the solution is to relentlessly try and try again.

This new blog is similar. It's not fancy. I don't know what I'm doing, but it's a try.